The Morfix School website was designed to help students improve their English in an interactive, engaging and fun way. The website allows students to look up words in the dictionary (from English to Hebrew and vice versa), to save words in their own personal zone and to play a variety of games, each dedicated to a different aspect of English learning (vocabulary, grammar, common errors, spelling, etc.).

The Dictionary
Search results on the website include the translation of the word, the option to hear the correct pronunciation of the word, usage examples, related phrases and idioms, synonyms and occasional usage notes. Moreover, the website features voice search in English and Hebrew if spelling presents difficulties

Personal Zone
The personal zone shows the last 30 words the student looked up, the words they saved with the plus icon and their mistakes from the different games. These words are then presented in the personal zone as a list, as flashcards and as multiple choice games. The personal zone allows each student to practice the new vocabulary according to their level and needs. Teachers are advised to encourage students to practice the words in which they made mistakes as well as the new words they learned and to use the plus icon to save words, so that they can revisit them in the future. The plus icon allows students to save words to their “favorites” list or to create their own personalized lists.

Learning English with Morfix School
There are three types of game categories on the website: vocabulary, grammar, and image game. There are five possible levels in each game, which allow each student to progress at their own pace, return to previous levels or advance on to the next one. Teachers can also ask the students to focus on a specific level according to the class needs. The Foundation, Intermediate and Proficiency levels match elementary school, middle school and high school respectively.

Grow Your Vocabulary
The vocabulary quizzes come in sets of 5 words. Each set consists of three mini-games: multiple choice, matching and spelling. This allows students to practice each word three times, in 3 different formats, and increases the chance they’ll remember it in the future. Any incorrect answers will appear under “my mistakes” in the personal zone for further practice. The words will, by default, appear in the game alphabetically, allowing for easy tracking of the complete word list. Note that while Grow Your Vocabulary contains fixed word lists by level (in line with the Ministry of Education’s vocabulary requirements), teachers may also select words that appear in their daily lessons and have students save those words to their personal lists. That way, students can practice vocabulary according to the topics covered in class.

Practice Grammar
The grammar games are divided into subjects and are categorized by level. Each subject contains several quizzes and each quiz consists of ten questions relating to the grammar subject. The questions are multiple choice questions or open spelling questions, and specific instructions appears at the beginning of each game.

Image Game
In the image game, the students are required to spell the word that appears in the image using a pool of English letters. The images match the selected student level. Within the level, the images are sorted by subject (colors, animals, sports, etc.).

Students' Progress
Teachers who log in to MorfixSchool through Ministry of Education login will be able to see their students' progress. Clicking on the teacher's name (on the top right) will open a dropdown with the 'Student Progress' option. Here teachers can view the class's grades segmented in pie graphs, and a list of each student's grade in detail. Notice that grades will appear only for students who have completed the assignment.

Coins and Hints
Correct answers in the vocabulary game grant the students coins. The coins are awarded according to the student’s progress, the amount of correct answers and the time it took them to finish the game. We believe that encouragement is a key motivating factor for learning. We have found that collecting coins increases engagement within the games, which in turn leads to retention. The coins can be used for buying hints in the vocabulary game and the image game. The hints vary from game to game and include reducing the distractors, revealing letters in the answer, revealing the word in Hebrew, skipping a question, hearing the word, etc.

The word has been added to your word list